About Department


About Department of Physics


            Department of Physics was established in June 1984 as under graduate course. The department of Physics having 283 students in U.G. course. In departmental library about 160 text books and 50 reference books are available for students and staff. Internet connectivity is provided to the department. In the department there is separate provision of LCD facilities for B. Sc. III year for ICT teaching. Physics Department has sufficient infrastructure facility which indicates research laboratories for faculty members, class-rooms to engage classes and Laboratories to conduct U. G. practicals.

Our Research Laboratory is recognized by Shivaji University, Kolhapur for M. Phil and Ph. D. course. The Material science, Thin film and Ferrites are the main research areas of the Department. From financial assistance of DST-FIST New Delhi, department has received Rs. 14,21,660/-. seed money for smooth conducting of B. Sc. practical’s and research activity. The department has separate research instrumental facility equipped with Network Analyzer (2GHz to 6 GHz), Hioki LCR Q-meter (42 Hz to 5 MHz), Digital balance, Thin film apparatus, Magnetic stirrer, Indfurr furnace (1400oC) Muffle Furnace (1200oC) etc.

Department has research activity by publishing research papers in different journals such as Journal of Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, Smart Materials and Structures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, Macromolecular Symposia etc. The department has published about 20 research papers in national and international journals having good impact factor. The faculties of the department have presented research papers in various conference, symposia and workshop.

The department conducting Certificate course in collaboration with Tatyashri Agrotech Cold Storage is Operation and Management of Cold Storage for B. Sc. II. Also conducting certificate course in repairing and maintenance of home appliances for B. Sc. III and certificate course in maintenance and repairs of electrical domestic appliances for B. Sc. I. For such type of different course to make the B.Sc. students more confident while working in industry and other organizations.

          We have organized different workshop and training programs such as a One Day workshop on experimental skills in Physics (B.Sc. II and III) under lead college scheme, One day workshop on Next Step – Career Guidance Program for B. Sc. III year students, One day workshop on progress in Indian space Program for B. Sc. II & B.Sc. III year students, One day workshop on soft skills development under Next Step Career Guidance Program for B. Sc. III year students, Training programme on handling of electrical equipment’s for teaching and non-teaching staff, National webinar on advanced materials for multifunctional applications, National webinar on career opportunity after B. Sc. (Physics) etc.

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Syllabus B.Sc Course 2024-25

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